How to wash and clean a wetsuit?
Whether you are hiring wetsuit or have already bought one you want to make sure you keep it in good nick. Your wetsuit is a delicate flower so should be treated with TLC whether you are putting it on (read our blog on how to put a wetsuit on here) or giving it a clean after use. Below we discuss how to wash and clean your wetsuit after a good swim session.
1) Wash and clean your wetsuit with cool water While you may enjoy a hot shower after an open water swim, your wetsuit won’t. Hot water can cause the neoprene to lose its flexibility. So whether you are using the garden hose or an indoor shower make sure you use cool or tepid water when cleaning your wetsuit.
2) Use a special wetsuit cleaner While open water swimming can be exhilarating, the smell of pond after an open water session is less so. If you can’t seem to shift the stink after a hefty rinse, don’t feel tempted to stick it in the washing machine or use standard washing detergent. Neither of these will do the wetsuit any good. Instead use a special wetsuit cleaner. Not only will this get rid of salt, smells and organic matter it will also prevent premature aging of your wetsuit. We recommend the below shampoo's:
- Zybax Shampoo £6.99 for 250ml - link here

- Coco Loco Eco Wetsuit Cleaner & Deodoriser £9.95 for 250ml - link here

3) Hang dry your wetsuit inside out and away from sunlight Once you’ve given your wetsuit a good clean and rinse you need to hang it up to dry before you store it away. The last thing you want is your damp wetsuit developing mould. However direct sunlight will age the neoprene and make it lose its flexibility. Make sure you dry it in the shade and away from direct heat. Turning it inside out also means the more delicate outer surface is protected and the inside dries quicker.

4) Store your wetsuit carefully Once you have lovingly washed and dried your wetsuit you need make sure you give equal care and attention to how it’s stored. Folding (or screwing) up the suit in a drawer will weaken it, particularly if it’s left there for months, only to see the light of day the following season. To increase the longevity of your wetsuit either store flat or on a heavy padded hanger. Avoid a wire hanger as this could easy pierce the suit. If you have any further queries on how to wash and clean your wetsuit then email us at