Thermal Accessories Hire includes.... THERMAL Socks, Gloves, Hat to add warmth your swim!
Please note we cannot guarantee which brand of thermal accessories we will send and may be a mix of brands.
If you would like any further information, please email us at hello@triwetsuithire.co.uk
How it works
The hire start date is the date you wish to receive your delivery in the post, however we do try to send out a day or two in advance,
Summer Season Hires are due back on the 1st October.
Winter Season Hires are due back on the 1st April.
For information on deliveries and how to return your wetsuit please visit our FAQ page. Or if you would like to extend your hire, please book a hire extension on this link here
Try B4 You Buy
Buy it, rather than return it!
We do offer the opportunity to purchase the item you have hired from us with a discount applied (subject to availability).
If you are interested in purchasing your hire item, drop us an email to hello@triwetsuithire.co.uk with your order number & we will send you a quote.