Why Hire a Wetsuit?
Why hire a wetsuit?
Hiring a wetsuit offers open water swimmers’ choice, is more affordable and offers a sustainable option.
Trying before you buy
Buying a wetsuit can be a big investment especially if you are not sure if open water swimming is for you or you are not sure of the size or fit. Hiring a suit from Tri Wetsuit Hire means you can try your wetsuit out in the water and check how it feels swimming in it. If you then love your suit, you can buy it
Easy, hassle-free customer service
Order online or talk to Tri Wetsuit Hire on the phone or messenger. They are experts in finding a wetsuit to suit you. Wetsuits and accessories are sent to your door. Return is just as simple.
More cost effective
If you only need a wetsuit for a short amount of time for example, the winter season or for a specific event such as a swimrun or triathlon a short-term hire is much affordable. No deposit to hire is needed.
Better for the planet
The more time a wetsuit is hired out the less wetsuits have to be made in the first place which means less drain on precious materials and energy. Tri Wetsuit Hire are keen to encourage re use and support the circular economy.
If your body shape changes so can your wetsuit
For whatever reason your body shape changes, hiring a wetsuit means you can ensure that you have a wetsuit that makes you feel awesome. Tri Wetsuit Hire stocks wetsuits which range from XXS to 4XL. We also stock a range of kids’ wetsuits.
Change stroke, change suit
Not all wetsuits are equal when it comes to the type of stoke you want to swim. The amount of buoyancy varies between suits meaning some are better for swimming breaststroke in than others whilst others are better for longer events where more flexibility is needed etc. Tri Wetsuit Hire stocks many different brands including those for first timers, wild swimmers, long distance swimmers and triathletes. The first questions we ask is, ‘what kind of swimming do you want to do?’
Keep up with the latest wetsuit trends
Hiring is a great way to try out the latest wetsuit technology without burning a hole in your wallet or adding to your wetsuit collection.
To find out more or to hire go to:
Website: www.triwetsuithire.co.uk
Email: hello@triwetsuithire.co.uk
Tel: 01737 823771
Social Media: @triwetsuithire